In Service with Gratitude, Love & Light
Danniyille Lyn Viola
The Lady From Source
Thank you so much for being here with me! You have everything you will ever need right inside you! It is my mission to assist the Seeker in reaching their greatest potential through self-realization and actualization. Through example, teaching, and guiding, it is my honor to assist in the raising of consciousness through awareness, mindfulness, and the daily practice of connecting to the divine. It is through the raising of conscious awareness that the individual begins a personal journey of Self-Discovery, Healing, and Ascension.
I am a Master Energy Healer and Empathic Intuitive with more than 5 years experience helping to heal and raise the vibration of the individual, as well as the collective. I am a Chrystal Reiki Master and Certified Angelic Healing Practitioner. I am accredited by the IAOTH (International Association of Therapists). I specialize in a myriad of etheric healing modalities that when applied in combination, bring about significant up-shifts in ones quality of life on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
When you embark on a personalized heart-tailored program with Danniyille, you are embarking on a journey into wholeness like never before. Be prepared to be fully supported as you dive deeply into the aspects of yourself that you never knew were holding you back. The aspects of self that have been hidden, lost, or simply forgotten… until now!
Through this journey of self-realization, you will experience a deep level of transformative healing. You will be taught lasting ways of self-healing and integration, allowing you to break free of your limitations so that you can create the life of your dreams!
Freedom is your birthright. In committing to your personalized program of healing and integration, you will attain many amazingly transformative tools that are ongoing. These tools provide life-changing support that will last you a lifetime!
Book your complimentary
15-minute consultation now!
Soul Contract Reading

First Know Yourself
Only Then Will You Begin To Understand Why Your Life Is The Way It Is
And Why Things Are The Way They Are
The Only Way Out Is In
Are you looking for answers?
Want to navigate your life with more grace and ease?
Do you long to manifest the new but feel stuck or unable to change the old?
With a Soul Contract Reading you can unlock the answers that will allow you to break through the barriers that are keeping you in a pattern feeling limited, stuck or small.
Akashic Records Reading
Gateway To The Super-Conscious
Within the Akashic Realm we find the information or data bank containing everything that has ever been, everything that is and everything that will ever be through all life forms, events, thoughts, words, emotions, etc. It holds the answers to any question and may provide important insight and guidance when one is posed with making a decision or getting past an obstacle or blockage. An Akashic Records Reading gives you the opportunity to tap into higher truth and gain clarity and insight into your most pressing questions. Armed with the knowledge, we may then begin to efficiently and effectively create the change we so much are longing for.
Exchange is $111
Please be sure to provide 3 to 5 questions for your reading in the Message Box upon booking.
Please also provide the exact spelling of you birth name, as written on your birth certificate so I may best prepare for your reading.
Thank you!
30 min
111 US dollars