Soul Contract Reading
First Know Yourself, Only Then Will You Begin To Understand Why Your Life Is The Way It Is And Why Things Are The Way They Are.
The Only Way Out Is In.

Now Three Options For Your Convenience. Summary Report, Full Report or Live In-Person Reading. (See details below).
Are you looking for answers?
Want to navigate your life with more grace and ease?
Do you long to manifest the new but feel stuck or unable to change the old?
With a Soul Contract Reading you can unlock the answers that will allow you to break through the barriers that are keeping you in a pattern feeling limited, stuck or small.
In this 90 minute live session (in-person or on zoom) you will receive a deep transmission of truth and attain the blueprint outlining exactly how you may navigate your life and live your highest timeline reality!
This session is for you if:
You desire to bring about more Synchronicity and Harmony in your every day life experiences and relationships
You want to finally overcome the greatest obstacles in your life so that you may experience more joy, love, creativity and peace
You would like to know your Karma and actively work through it in order to experience more ease, flow and abundance.
You wish to unlock your talents, skills and gifts from not just this life, but past lives too.
You long to understand why you are here and how you can make the most of your life now.
You want to understand why elements in your life are the way they are and how you can work through them
You desire to live an empowered life knowing more about who you are, why you are here and bring forth your gifts of service to the world
If any of the above points resonate, then this is the session for you! And best of all you get the entire session recorded so you may take in all the information again and again. This allows that deep transmission of truth to really merge with you on a tangible level allowing for real shifts and upgrades to occur in your life.
Soul Contract Live Reading (In-Person or Via Zoom, 90 minutes) $444
Buying a Soul Contract PDF Report
I am so excited to introduce our new service which is a PDF report based Soul Contract Reading. This is a good way to get started for the curious before investing in a full 1:1 Soul Contract Reading.
A Summary Report provides highlights of your interpretations on a single page
A taster of your unique Soul Contract that includes:
Your Birth Chart
A taste of the absolute truth of your life
Highlights of your interpretations
The hidden meaning of your life they have been searching for
All included on a single summary page PDF report
Ideal if you are still trying to decide whether to book a 1:1 live reading.
Generated by a qualified practitioner
Emailed to you within 7 working days
Please note this service DOES NOT cover Current Names, Name Overlay Readings, Name Changes or Phonetic versions of non-English names
Investment: $22
A Full PDF Report provides your full in-depth interpretations 75-140 pages
A full interpretation of your unique Soul Contract that includes:
Your Birth Chart
Your Summary Report
Your full in-depth interpretations and
Recommendations for overcoming your specific challenges
To empower you to master your life
With a 25-50 page in-depth Abbreviated PDF report
With a 75-140 page in-depth Complete PDF report
Generated by a qualified practitioner
Emailed to you within 7 working days
Please note this service DOES NOT cover Current Names, Name Overlay Readings, Name Changes or Phonetic versions of non-English names
Investment: $88
NOTE: If you have less than 10 Hebrew sounds in your name this will produce a “short” name with 3 aspects rather then the 7 aspects of a long name and consequently a smaller number of interpretation pages.
Upgrade from Summary Report to Full In-Depth Report
Investment: $66