Meet Danniyille
Throughout my life, I grappled with deep emotional and physical pain, mental, emotional and physical abuse, varying addictions, self-destructive behavior, shame and unworthiness. Much of this I can trace back to conditioning, imprinting and programming that I took on and owned as mine through negative belief systems and patterns I was exposed to in my earlier years. Like most of us, I grew up in the classic, dysfunctional family and an unforgiving society and culture that kept me feeling limited and small.
Healing starts when we wake up to the knowing that we can be so much more. We feel the deep desire to break through the barriers of our life’s conditioning and begin asking, “How do I let go of what no longer aligns with me?” “How may I attain the life that I know I can live but have not yet been able to achieve?” “Why can’t I seem to move forward?” “Why can’t I get past this?” The answers are all within you. It is my greatest honor to serve as your guide as we dive deep to reveal your truth, breaking free beyond any barriers so you may live in alignment, prosperity and abundance as Your Greatest Version.

from the blocks, pain, and fear that keep you feeling limited.

Have you been feeling blocked?
Unsure of yourself?
Perhaps you feel lost or confused, not knowing why your life seems to revolve around the same continuous circle of frustrations that leave you feeling overwhelmed and drained.
Do you have this sense that there's a better life for you, but it seems out of reach? I'm living proof that happiness is not out of reach.
that you have everything you need to create the life of your dreams!